Friday, March 8, 2013

Dear Jonah,
We are back! It is now time for binge posting since our computer has been broken for months! I have so much to say to you... You will be one in one week from today.  Guess if that makes me sentimental? It does.

I found this quote today in Eastern Body, Western Mind--my new favorite book-- and I got all choked up. It is from The Prophet, by the poet Kahlil Gabran.

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself.
They come through you, but not of you.
And though they are with you yet, they belong not to you.
--- Kahlil Gibran

That is only a segment from the passage, but I feel that more everyday. When I watch you learn, dipping your fork into yogurt, vacuuming every corner of the kitchen, closing your eyes when i wash your hair, I realize you are nature set in motion.  You came with all the programming, with all the potential just waiting for triggers in the world around you to call them out--then you shoot out a sprout.  We make your soil rich, and you do the rest. I watch you with awe, as I do with many things in nature.

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